The Twos
The Twos are under the aegis of the High Priestess. Each denotes crative tension in their arena.
Two of Swords -- A vulnerable young girl with two swords crossed over her heart balances on a tightrope.
Divinatoy meaning: This is the card of stalemate. A clear head is needed to solve issues such as negotiations, conflicts of interest between partners, denial of facts.
Two of Wands--A sucessful businessman is looking to a future vision.
Divinatoy meaning: Success in partnership and business affairs. There is a sense of restlessness; moving on to new deals and plans is possible.
占卜的意思: 這張牌卡是一張僵持中的牌。 必需要有一個清楚的頭腦,來進行一個談判。在同伴中出現了利益上的分岐,拒絕去承認一個事實。
占卜的意思: 一段成功的合作關係、一件成功的事。一種焦躁不安的感覺。一件新的契約和計劃是可行的。