
The Sevens

The sevens,like the chariot, occur when it is time to move. This involves self-discipline.


Seven of Swords- A man is trying to run away with more swords than he can handle.


Divinatory meaning: This signifies acts of daring, impulsive acts, undercover acts, and detective work. You may have to act alone, keeping your ideas to yourself or you might find you are avoiding issues.


Seven of Wands- a Wheat farmer is warding of his adversaries, who lay claim to his crop of wheat.


Divinatory meaning: You are on top of things. Make a stand; you may be challenged. Know your right. You are coping well and won't be taken advantage of.




寶劍七- 一個男人拿取比他所能拿的更多的寶劍,並試圖逃跑。


占卜的意思: 這表示著一個大膽的行動、衝動的行為、暗中進行的活動、以及偵探工作。 你也許必須單獨的行動,持續保持由你所思考出的想法,或者你可能會發現一些應該去避免的行為。


權杖七- 一個種植小麥的農場主人,試圖去阻擋那些敵人--那些聲稱小麥是他私有物的人。


占卜的意思: 你在某些事務的頂端。在你可能會遇到的挑戰前,站穩你的腳步。知道你是正確的一方。你明白的知道正確的事,然而你並不會得到優勢。


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