Princess of Cups
A little mermaid is the princess of Cups. The pearl in her cup symbolizes the seed of imagination and creativity and as the drawing of psychic ability.
Divinatory meaning: When the prince of Cups manifests as a young person, he or she is a gentle,dreamy child who enjoys fairy tales with avivid imagination. This child could be Your inner child, where the seed of creativity longs to be acknowledged.
表示的意思: 當聖杯王子以一個年輕人的樣貌展現,他或她是一個溫柔、富想像力的孩子,喜愛著有豐富想像力的神話故事。這孩子可能是你的內在小孩,那是有著千變萬化創造力,且渴望得到理解的小種子。
Knight of Cups
sir Galahad is the Knight of Cups, he belongs to the world of Arthurian legend. He is the romantic knight on a quest and had a dream. Of ideal love. Sometimes he is so caught in the dearm the he lacks the initiative to complete his task. He is gentle, loving, sensitive, easily hurt, and can be moody.
Divinatior meaning: When the Knight of Cups appears in your life, he could signify a new romantic interest or idea. However he could also indicate that you are about to enter a creative phase in your life.
翻譯的意思: 當這位聖杯騎士出現在你的生命中時,他可能意味著一個浪漫且有趣的事,或是想法。然而這也可能表示著,你將進入你生命中富有創造力的時期。