Seven of Cups- A woman stands in the rain; mist obscures her vision. Looking down, she cannot see the sever cups or their content.
Divinatory meaning: You are at a crossroad. Choices must be made. When the mist clears, you will know what to do .
Senev of Pentacles- A farmer has planted her seeds. She knows from past experience that patience and good care willl bring results.
Divinatory meaning: Any plan,business, career, or project will bear fruit if ypu have prepared well and have patience to wait a little.
聖杯七- 一個女人站在雨中,薄霧遮蔽了她的視線,向下方看去,她不能看到這七個杯子,或是它們的內容物。
占卜的意思: 你正在一個重要關頭,必須去做出一個選擇。當這薄霧散去,你將知道要怎麼做。
金幣七- 一個農夫種植了她的種子,她知道依照過去的經驗,耐心和良好的照顧,將帶來好成果。
占卜的意思: 如果你已經做好準備,而且有耐心去做一些等待;任何的計劃、商業上的事務、職業、或是一個專案都將帶來報酬。