The Eights
The Strength card rules the Eight, which express the same quality.
Eight of Swords- A wonam is lossely bound and feneced in by eight swords
Divinatory meaning: fear is keeping you bound and oppressed; use your mind creatively to get out of the situation. The choices is yours.
Eight of Wands- Eight wands fly through the air at great speed.
Divinatory meaning: Speed, action, movment. Life is busy and all kinds of action, new activitiess may occur. Traqvel, mental or Physical, is passible at this time.
寶劍八- 一個女人被鬆散的繩子綑綁,立在由八把寶劍圍繞起來的中間。
占卜的意思: 恐懼將持續地綑綁及壓迫著你; 使用你內心的創造力去打破這個處境! 這個選擇在於你。
權杖八- 八根權杖從以及巨大的速度飛越空中。
占卜的意思: 速度,行動、運轉。生命是忙錄且所有的行動,新的行為都可能發生。不論是心靈上或是物質上的一段旅程,在這個時候都有可能發生。